Labour Ridding Itself of Corbynista Candidates?

The Guardian reported that Jamie Driscoll, a Tyneside Corbynista has been barred from the long-list of candidates for the prospective candidate for Mayor of the North East.  An interesting decision given that Discoll is the current mayor for the North of Tyne area. It seems slowly the party machine is grinding its way through the remaining Corbynistas.

We can’t help but wonder whether they’ve missed one.

When a certain Rokhsana Fiaz won the nomination for Newham, this was how the press and the Left received the news.

Or this headline from the Times

The Huff-Post could be relied upon to prop up the Corbynista narrative.

Or these supportive comments from Jon Lansman and Owen Jones.

And of course, there was the Left press.

From Labour List we got,

Maya Goodfellow: Newham deselection was a sign of democratic change – not a power grab

Maya Goodfellow

Ever since Jeremy Corbyn was elected Labour leader, a narrative has endured regardless of how well the party’s done at the ballot box or how many new membership cards are issued: he’s capturing the party and his supporters are slowly taking over branches and CLPs.

To be fair. As soon as she got in, she stabbed some of her Momentum supporters in the back and set in motion a process that would see many of them leave or be expelled.

But her Momentum links have not gone entirely. She has at least one on her cabinet team. She has maintained a fixation with the Preston model of community wealth building; it sounds nice, but no-one knows what it actually does, if anything.

And when it came to her reselection in 2022, a certain Angela Rayner ensured that she was on the interview panel, a panel that selected Fiaz from a shortlist of two.

Speaking of Rayner, Fiaz has also maintained fraternal links with Sam Tarry, the one-term Momentum MP for Ilford South, seen here at a B-B-Q for the comrades.

Is she Momentum? Was she ever Momentum? Is she just Momentum enough to satisfy some of the comrades? Was it all a scam to get her selected?

If you know, please tell us. But don’t tell the Labour Party, apparently association with Corbyn et al can get you deselected.

Mind you, there might be room for her with another party.


Avoiding Scrutiny?


Where are they now? More Corbynistas leaving office.