Labour Candidate Stresses Muslim Identity. Opposition Stress Incompetence.

In a letter to residents, Labour candidate felt the need to open his appeal with his involvement in organising “Eid Prayer in the Park” over the last four years and let it be known that the proceeds were donated to local mosques.

Newham Independents have suggested that all is not true in this letter (see below) and,

They go to town on Alam’s claims here.

It is very interesting that after five years of maximum council tax increases, Newham has the sixth lowest council tax in London. This is clearly a legacy of Robin Wales. Fiaz derided this policy and blamed Wales for her lack of cash. Now, Alam seeks support on the basis of low taxes. We can’t help but feel that there must be some internal contradiction in all of this.

It is good to see that the Fiaz team has woken up to the issue of fly-tipping. Again, they seem to be a little behind the curve on this. If there is one issue upon which Mehmood Mirza has been consistent and active, it is litter and fly-tipping. After four years’ of Mirza’s constant campaigning, often alone, Labour has woken up to the problem. Is it too late?

There appears to be a commitment to tackling rogue landlords and crime on the streets. We are entirely unclear as to what the answers suggested by Labour and Alam are. If we are lucky, they might tell us before the election.


When Humorous Asides are Overtaken by Reality 


Labour Struggling in Plaistow North