Fairer Parking. Yeah? Tell Me About It. Newham Tops Income from Parking Fines.


Promises made three years ago are fast disappearing into the ether. And car drivers in Newham are understandably a little peeved about the number of parking tickets issued. 

At £10.6m pa, the Mayor who promised to “create a fairer and more consistent parking scheme that is not run as a business, is less expensive, and works for shopkeepers, traders and residents in places like Green Street and High Street North.” now has some egg on her face.


We understand that cash strapped authorities will use fines as a means of taxation. But at least they could be honest.

For Newham this means that there is a nice little earner. Or not-so-little earner.

Given their unusual efficiency in this area of operations, it seems that parking enforcement is indeed being run as a business, which suggests that Mayor Fiaz has not entirely embraced the concept of honesty.

Perhaps some of our elected councillors could ask whether parking enforcement officers are (illegally) being set targets.

On top of this, many drivers will not appeal a case because of the time it takes and the bother of completing the appeal application. This is compounded because many are afraid that fines will increase while they wait for months for a decision to be made. Paying £60 gets rid of the problem and the anxiety, even if the fine was wrongly issued. And Newham rakes in the cash.


Promises Conveniently Forgotten Number 2; Fifty Per Cent of All Private Developments will be for Social Housing


Mayor Fiaz. You are Soooo …